Укр Рус

Body Parts (Части тела)

29 декабря 2020 5656 Печать
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Опис матерiалу

Body Parts
Time: 1 hour

Objective: Identify parts of the human body.
Motivation:  “What is this?”  Point to your nose.  Say, “nose” and have the class repeat several times.  Do the parts of the head in this manner.

Цель: Выучить лексику на тему “Части тела”.
Мотивация: Указывая на свой нос, учитель спрашивает “Что это?”.  Потом говорит “нос”, и просит учников в классе повторить это слово несколько раз. Потом делает тоже самое с другими частями головы.

Information:  Draw the head and label its parts.  Have the students copy the picture and labels in their copybooks and repeat the names several times while reading them from the board.

Draw the body and label its parts and repeat the writing and repetitions as in the presentation of the head. 

Differentiate phonetically between similar-sounding body parts such as head and hand and ear and eye, etc., and differentiate between singular and plural (hand/hands, ear/ears, foot/feet, etc.).


  • Have individual students stand and touch their nose, ears, etc.  Say, “Touch your (body part)” and do the action with the student; then let them do it by themselves.  Next do this with two or three students at a time, standing.
  • Draw an unlabeled stick figure body on the board.  Add numbers corresponding to body parts and have students label them either on the board or in their copybooks. 
  • Have students fill in the following blanks.  This part of the lesson may be done orally or written.  Another possibility is to do the exercise first orally and then have students follow up in writing, as a means of seeing how well they have retained the information.

I see with my _____.                          I hear with my _____.

I eat with my _____.                           I talk with my _____.

I smell with my _____.                       I write with my _____.

I breathe with my _____.                    I walk with my _____.

I run with my _____.                           I love with my _____.

I kick with my _____.                          I think with my _____.

Application: Introduce the phrase, ”The teacher says...,” just like the game Simon Says.  Tell students to touch their nose, ears, etc., only when they hear, “The teacher says...,” and not otherwise.  Run this in groups of 6 standing students and make individuals sit when they touch the wrong body part or if they touch a body part when “The teacher says” has been omitted.  Play the game with a third of the class until you have one student standing who is the champion.  Then play the game with the whole class and include all the body parts.
To increase the difficulty or the effectiveness of the game, have them say the body part when they touch it.

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