Укр Рус

Numbers (Цифры)

04 січня 2021 6745 Печать
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Опис матерiалу

Time: 1 hour

Objective: Students can use numbers to talk about a variety of situations.
Motivation: Count to ten orally several times, using your fingers.  Have the students repeat until they know it.

Цель: Студенты научатся использовать цифры в разных ситуациях.
Мотивация: Несколько раз посчитайте вслух до десяти, используя пальцы. Пусть ученики повторяют, пока они этого не запомнят.

Information: Write the numbers (numeral and word).         

1     one                       11     eleven                20     twenty                200     two hundred

2     two                       12     twelve                30     thirty                   300     three hundred

3     three                    13     thirteen               40     forty                   400     four hundred

4     four                      14     fourteen             50     fifty                     500     five hundred

5     five                       15     fifteen                 60     sixty                   600     six hundred

6     six                        16     sixteen               70     seventy              700     seven hundred

7     seven                   17     seventeen          80     eighty                 800     eight hundred

8     eight                     18     eighteen             90     ninety                 900     nine hundred

9     nine                      19     nineteen             100   one hundred      1,000  one thousand

10   ten

ex: 439 = four hundred thirty-nine; 67 = sixty-seven; 156 = one hundred fifty-six

Mathematically speaking, when you say the word “and” as part of a number, you are indicating that what follows “and” is less than a whole number.  For example, 675 is six hundred seventy-five.  If you were to say “six hundred and seventy-five,” the number you are expressing is 600.75.  This may be too fine a point to explain to students, but you can be a role model by teaching them to say numbers correctly.

Practice: Read each number three times only and have the students write what they hear, numerals first, then words.  If time, interest, and ability allow, especially in higher levels where students already have math skills, consider using this lesson to do some math problems, thereby incorporating already-learned skills with the new knowledge.

Write the numerals:                                     Write the words:

17                                                                   seventy

62                                                                   three hundred

84                                                                   forty-nine

110                                                                 eleven

3                                                                     fifteen

39                                                                   one thousand

645                                                                 sixteen

400                                                                 eight

96                                                                   seven hundred twelve

1000                                                               ninety-one

Application: Try a game of bingo and/or do basic math problems in English.  Ask the students the number of tables, students, pens, etc. in the classroom.

Место в рейтинге новостей: 67 місце
Рейтинг: 0 из 5 на основе 0 оцінок
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Розміщуючи свою розробку в Педкласі, ви отримуєте:

  • визнання ваших знань, умінь і навичок;
  • зворотній зв'язок від спільноти освітян;
  • можливість використання матеріалів інших авторів;  
  • сертифікат про публікацію матеріалу;

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